



2024-07-21 05:30:47 来源:网络


用get away 、get about、get in、get back这四个短语造句!冰洁句子...
例句🐦_——🐙🦬:No,a taxi will get you about the city faster.不😌-🤭🌱,乘出租车游览这个城市会更快🐳_——😋😹。get in 是到达The plane got in on time.飞机准时到达🦛_🐉🐏。2.收获The farmers are getting the crops in.农人在收割农作物🦍🦩_-*。3.请有帮助请点赞🌻_|🎰。来We must get the doctor in.我们得请医生来🐏_😆*。get back 是返有帮助请点赞🌈*|🦬🥀。
After a long week of work, I like to get away to the beach and relax.在一个漫长的工作周后😞_🎮😼,我喜欢去海滩放松一下😑--😿。I decided to take a day off and get away from my daily responsibilities.我决定放一天假🌱——🐌,远离日常的职责🦌-🐬🦢。Taking a walk in the park helps me get away from the好了吧🐷||🐬*!


帮忙用consider /get away from /instead /instead of造句,谢谢
Jerry still considers whether to study in beijing or abroad.杰瑞仍然在考虑是在北京学习还是在国外学习🀄🦓__🦊🙄。It's too dangerous here,let's get away from the place as soon as we can.这儿太危险了🐾_🦥,我们还是尽快离开这个地方吧🐦🌚——-😮🦈。His mother adviced him to go to New York.Instead,he went to好了吧🦦🐊_☁️😴!
9.get away we are not allowed to get away if we don't finish our homework.10.get at can you get at what i said just now?11.get around the news that he was ill in bed got around .12.get along how do you get along with your roommates?13.get about you can get 说完了🐅——-🌾😧。
get into造句??
get into造句如下☁️-😸🐇:1🥍😊_|🌿、意思🏒——🥅:进入🐃🪁-🤥,涉足🌺_——🐤,参与英文例句🦉-🐼:He got into the car and drove away.中文翻译🎃|——🦑:他上了车🐪🥋-_*🌳,开走了🌳🕷_——🐡🦫。2🏏__😏🎆、意思🐷-🍃🥀:穿上(衣物)英文例句🐚🌤_😳♦:She got into her new dress and admired herself in the mirror.中文翻译🎐😵_🙈:她穿上了她的新裙子⭐️😚——🦠🥈,在镜子前欣赏自己🐆🐊-🦁。3🧿-🥍、意思🌱||🌾😣:理解说完了♦🦕-🎫。
肢体语言可以透露你很多的情绪信息🪲——*🐚,所以双臂交叉站立表明你在自我保护🐀-——🦂🪁。At a clothes swap event the women can give away unwanted clothing and get something different in return.在衣服交换活动中😘_-😂🏑,妇女们可以把不想要的衣服送人🌾🦝__😒,并得到一些不同的东西作为回报😌_——🦖🐕‍🦺。The famous singer made a promise to后面会介绍🦗🏐-|😶🐺。
帮忙用consider /get away from /instead /instead of造句,谢谢
Jerry still considers whether to study in beijing or abroad.杰瑞仍然在考虑是在北京学习还是在国外学习🐔——🐕。It's too dangerous here,let's get away from the place as soon as we can.这儿太危险了🦉|🪁,我们还是尽快离开这个地方吧🤬————*。His mother adviced him to go to New York.Instead,he went to好了吧🐵😑|🦛!
take away的造句1🎿|🦎☘、Let's order some take away tonight instead of cooking.2👺|——🌺😍、He didn't have time to stay, so he got his food to go in a take away container.3🎰——🃏、The restaurant's take away service is very popular among local office workers.4🐄-——🦘、I don't feel like eating out 等会说🌲🤣|👿。
用right away造句??
双语造句*😀——-🪶:■I want it sent right away.马上把它发出去🐹--🐡😼。■He wants to see you right away.他想立刻见你🦙_🤮🐦。■He was fantastically handsome - I just fell for him right away.他帅极了- 我对他简直就是一见钟情🦃__😞🐱。■Mick wants to see you in his office right away.米克要你马上去他的好了吧🦌_-🦒🐲!
1.Don't think you can get away with telling lies.不要以为你撒了谎就可以这样算了🦟||👿😸。2. Naturally we won't let them get away with this.很自然🦘🦓——🦍,我们不会就这样放过他们🙀🤢_🎃*。3. No one can flout the rules and get away with it.谁也不能违反这些规则而不被处分🐃😹_-💫。4. The rest of us 好了吧😂-🦁!